In Khyber’s Harvest™, the PCs battle an ancient evil threatening a remote village in the Shadow Marches. The dark power of the planes has grown strong in this place. Depraved cultists and twisted aberrant creatures are -dragging innocents down into ancient caverns to undergo a horrific transformation. To save these helpless villagers, the PCs must overcome the terrors of Khyber For 3rd level Characters..
Check |
Reward |
Failure |
Thousands of years ago, the fearsome daelkyr came to Eberron from the Far Realm of Xoriat. After a long and bitter struggle, an order of druids known as the Gatekeepers used ancient primal magic to bind the lords of
Use one of the following quests as hooks to draw the PCs into the adventure. Before play begins, take a moment to establish how the party first came together. The PCs might have served together during the Last War, forging a bond of friendship that has held them together even in peace. Perhaps they work for a dragonmarked house, or studied together at Morgrave University. Whatever the setup, the PCs know one another and have come to Blackroot in pursuit of a common goal.
Before starting the adventure, set the scene by telling the players what they know about the Shadow Marches. A PC knows the following information with a successful skill check.
History DC 5: blah balh
This chamber holds a pool of mystical liquid that can help the PCs recover from their previous battles—once the creatures on guard have been defeated. The dolgrims here have no reason to fear intruders getting past the baleful eye above. Unless the PCs draw attention to themselves, these guards are distracted.
The sound of shrill voices rises from ahead as the narrow passage finally widens into a larger cavern. A dim red light flickers within, flaring from a pool of glowing liquid. Two small figures stand on guard at the poolside—goblins by the look of it.
Illumination:Bright light if the PCs approach by day. At night, two smoky torches at the cave mouth provide bright light in a 5-square radius.
Foliage:The area shown is a clearing. Beyond the edges of the map, thick foliage and protruding roots create difficult terrain.
Alcove Shrine:A doorway opens up to reveal three circular alcoves. These contain small shrines to Arawai, Balinor, and Olladra, but all three have been badly chipped and defaced.
Distant Sounds: A DC 15 Perception check or passive Perception check reveals chanting coming from farther along in the cavern.
Each Scene Could provide a skill challenge, a trap, an encounter, or none of the above.. Success or failure could change the variables of the following scene.
The dolgrims speak Deep Speech, but a PC who recognizes the language can hear that the conversation consists of nothing but inane babble. Perception Check
DC 10 Though the creatures on guard appear to be goblins, the flickering light of the pool reveals a horrid headless form with two mouths and four misshapen arms.
Dungeoneering Check DC 15 These misshapen creatures are dolgrims—servants of the daelkyr.
Perception (DC 12): In the village and within the Veledaar house, the PCs can seek clues to the family’s disappearance. With each successful check, the party gains another piece of information as presented below.
✭ As the party makes its way to the Veledaar house, the PC notes that a number of other houses in the village seem to be standing empty.
☪ The PC finds no signs of forced entry in the Veledaar house, but uncovers hints that a struggle took place there. Broken furniture has been hastily put back together, and faint drops of blood are scattered across the dirt f loor.
☠ Trampled into the dirt of the floor, the PC finds the broken tip of what appears to be a dagger blade crafted from volcanic glass
If the PCs found the holy symbol in Encounter 1, they can attempt to pass themselves off as foreign cultists who have come for the Harvest. This requires an improvised skill challenge.
Primary Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Religion. All checks are DC 12; a PC cannot make an Intimidate check until the party has made a successful Religion check to establish their fake identity.
Success:The characters are allowed to enter the cave unopposed. They gain XP as if they’d defeated the guards in combat.
Failure:The guards see through the PCs’ ruse and attack.
If the PCs were successful in the previous scene, the burly orc wardens block the mouth of the cavern while the cultist eyeblades hide among the trees (Perception DC 19 to spot them). If the PCs failed the skill challenge, all four guards have been warned of their possible approach and are out of sight in the trees. They cannot be spotted by the PCs, and they attack with surprise when the first party member passes close enough.
Between them, the cultists are carrying 60 gp.
With Toraash defeated and the survivors freed, the threat to Blackroot is ended. When the conjunction between Mabar and Xoriat ends in a few hours, the deep gate (see Encounter 5) will close and stay sealed for decades. Any surviving cultists are freed from the influence of Khyber and can return to their lives