HOW TO PLAY KARIKI Kariki ought to loom large in your lives as it does in our's, but in case it doesn't, we hope to explain not only the basics of the game, but also to describe some of the finer regional rules and techniques we've adopted and developed. Though this should be noted from the onset that what separates this game from others like it and raises it to a higher sphere are not its myriad of rules and regulations but rather the gestalt which they create... By les savy fav as tought to us by UNWOUND,CHISEL,& BRAINIAC in providence RI in the 90's sometime To play Kariki you will need: 2 dice 1 mug or equivalent A sheet of paper A pen 1. All players put in money to join the game (at least $1 each you cheapskates) 2.Sitting around a table a first roller is picked (usually by a round to see who rolls highest) 3.The first roller may decide if play moves to the left or right and may lay out any special rules before taking his first roll. 4.The roller blows on the dice, shakes the mug, and slams it down on the table. 5.The roller checks under the mug to see his score being careful not to let others peek; nearby players should try to see as well making the rollers task more difficult. 6.If the roller is lucky he sees that he has rolled a 1 and a 2- a KARIKI - the highest roll in the game. If this is the case, he lifts the mug himself to show his KARIKI the player after him receives a dingle berry (see sample score sheet) and he receives a crown (see sample score sheet). Otherwise continue to step 7 7.The roller declares his roll and conjecture begins about the likelihood of him having actually rolled what he said he rolled. At this point the player after the roller has 3 choices: a.He may declare that he can roll higher and slide the mug toward himself, moving the mug and dice off the table while cupping the opening so he can roll- HE MAY NOT LIFT THE MUG UP OR REMOVE THE DICE FROM THE CUP, IF A PLAYER WANTS TO ROLL HIGHER, THEY DO NOT HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF SEEING THE LAST ROLLER'S ACTUAL ROLL. Now, as the current roller returns to step 4 (above) mindful of the value of the various rolls (see Die Value Cheat Sheet) b.He may declare that the roller is a fucking liar, low roller, and deceitful friend and he may pull up the mug, being careful to not touch or move the dice at all in doing so. If the roll does not match what the roller said, the roller gets a dingle berry If the roller in fact did roll what he said the puller gets a dingle berry for making a false accusation. After the pull whichever player DID NOT get a dingle berry begins a fresh roll and returns to step 4 (above) c.If he does not think he can roll higher but is not convinced that the roller is lying he may pass the choice to the next player after his. IN DOING SO HE ACCEPTS THE ROLL AS IF HE ROLLED IT HIMSELF- so if the person he passed to pulls the mug and reveals a lie the person who passed gets the dingle berry - NOT THE ORIGINAL ROLLER. Notably a player passed to may in turn pass to the next player and so on until finally the choice gets passed to the original roller at that point he (the only player who knows what is really beneath the mug) may pull the mug if he was lying and give the player before him a dingle berry or he may make the final pass back to the original passer who must then roll or pull since he cant pass twice. Based on which he chooses see a or b (above) 8.This process continues around the table with people getting dingle berries for lying, false accusation, being on the shit end of a KARIKI, or getting slashes(sample score sheet) until they get 5 at which point they are out. When there is only one player left they win the pot. SLASHWORTHY A very important part of this game are the extra rules, by breaking these you get slashes. The most important rule is this: YOU MUST RESPECT THE DICE Disrespecting the dice includes •dropping the dice either while shaking the mug or while picking up the mug and dice to roll higher. If the dice fall to the ground all may count aloud, the dropper will get 1 slash for each 10 seconds a die stays on the ground •moving the mug in any way which could ever possibly move the dice after a player has rolled. This includes touching the dice with the side of the cup while pulling on a roller. Or moving or touching the mug before you declared if you want to pull or roll. OPTIONAL RULES: Beyond respecting the dice there can be many optional rules, we recommend using them all and adding more- busting players for hard to remember rules adds to the confusion which makes it harder to separate the truth from the lies. Below are our extra rules... •your ass must no leave your seat without permission from the roller (this keeps people from tackling the roller while they try to peek on his roll, also it is easy to forget when you need to piss, giving you a slash for taking a slash) •no foreign languages at the table (easy to lure people into doing and keeps the cheating Germans from conferring) •alchohol can't touch the table (it makes you chug or keep a pinky between the bottom of your glass and the table- many drunken games have been lost this way) •first person out has to be bartender/DJ for the table HIGH ROLLERS: We have recently been into selling one emergency dingle berry when you go out of the game. To get this you must double whatever the current pot is. If you go out first with 5 people in a $1 game it only costs 5 bucks but if you are left with only 2 players the extra berry could cost up to $40 but with only one person to beat it could be worth it. It is a good way to sweeten the pot without forcing everyone to kick down... Die Roll Cheat Sheet From Best to worst roll. 1-2 “KARIKI!” The King Shit, ace of aces. 6-6 "Double Sixes" Aka BoxCars etc.. 5-5 "Double Fives" 4-4 "Double Fours" 3-3 "Double Threes" 2-2 "Double Dueces" 1-1 "Double Ones" "SnakeEyes" Eleven 5-6 Nine 3-6 4-5 Eight 2-6 3-5 Seven 1-6 2-5 3-4 Six 1-5 2-4 Five 1-4 2-3 Four 1-3 3-1 The Lowest shit you can roll. Slashs: given for breaking a rule 3 slashes = 1 dingle berry (see slashworthy) Dingle Berries: given if.... • you get pulled on and are lying • you pull on someone telling the truth • you get 3 slashes • the person before you rolls KARIKI • someone rolls 3 kariki Nicknames: each player should be given a nickname. For a change of pace try doing theme nicknames. These are from a game where the theme was “Gay Americian Indian Names” The Poo: When you are one dingle berry away from loosing, you're “in the poo”, the score keeper should draw a big stinker. Crowns: Each time you roll kariki you get a crown, and the person after gets a dingle berry. If you get 3 crowns everyone at the table gets a dingle berry. The Cross: Here is where your dingle berries hang there are 5 pointsthe four ends and the center. Be Creative: The score keeper is encouraged to express himself with the score card. This dingle berry type is a tear because the player bluffed so poorly. •for KARIKI slang, more optional rules, band KARIKI stories, or to make correction to these instrictions(know-it-alls) please visit