In The Wastelands
Feral beasts, and fearless creatures inhabit far from the broken remnants of civilzation once again. The farther you go from the safety of the city gates, the wilder this kingdom becomes.
Brahmin. Domesticated, two-headed
bovine. Not that difficult, but watch out for Mad Brahmin.
They have the same stats as normal Brahmin, but they tend to
pop when they get very close to you. Mad Brahmin are only
encountered in the special encounter, and when you attack the
Keeper of the Bridge Of Death. At least, I never encountered
them anywhere else.
HP: 10-15

Wild Dog. Just your normal
vicious canine. Not that tough so easy to dispose of.
HP: 5

Lesser Scorpion. Smaller cousin
of the Radscorpion, but even this one can poison you. Just
attack once and retreat and you'll be safe. Just don't be
HP: 8 -- Soak: 3

K'Croache.Part Mantis, part Cockroach. SuperNitrous gave mothernature the right juice
to create a giant sized combination of the two.
These critters has the tendency to come in
large groups, and can pose a major problem to civilization.
HP: 3-15 -- Soak: 1-3 (various ages & sizes)

Molerat. Very large variety of
the rat species. This one comes in two variants, the Lesser
Molerat and the Greater Molerat. The only difference is that
the Greater Molerat is a bit stronger and tougher. Both are
pretty easy to take down, as long as you are not surrounded by
an entire family.
HP: 4-6

Wild Pigs. Common names: Wild boar, wild hog, feral pig, feral hog, Old World swine, razorback
Thi fast, feral, lean mean, tusked omnivorous machines travel in packs and have a voracious appetite.
HP: 3

Rat. This is one of the easiest
enemies you will encounter. If you need tips for this one,
your village is pretty much doomed. The only attack it has is
a bite attack which does little damage. Keep an eye out for
the tougher ones though, as their bite can poison you. (rabies!)
HP: 1

Mutie Rats. Another mutation. Sewer rats now have an ugly big brother.
It is pretty fast, so a fast character might just be able to outrun it.
HP: 175 -- AP: 9

Gecko. This is a large reptile
that walks on his hind legs. It can be pretty dangerous when
you encounter a large pack and you get cornered. The Golden
Gecko is tougher and faster than the normal Silver Gecko.
Watch out for the Fire Geckos, and don't let them come near
you. When they do, they shoot flames at you, sometimes twice
in a turn. You can skin the Silver Geckos and the Golden
Geckos, but the Fire Geckos doesn't have a skinnable hide.
HP: 5 - 10

Giant Ant. SuperNitrous made this tiny insect into a large foe,
the exoskeleton makes a natural armor. Look out for its harsh pinchers!
HP: 6 -- Soak: 2

Giant Scorpion. Try to stay out
of it's range, as the tail attack can poison you. If you
manage to keep out of it's range, you are safe from damage,
because the tail attack is the only attack it has. When you
kill it, you can take it's tail and turn it into an antidote.
HP: 6-15 -- Soak: 3
Civilization is far from intact. Humanity has been rendered to a tiny percentage of what it once was. Scattered, afraid, and feral people are littered among the ruins of the world.
Humans. Human adversaries can
range from minor pests to downright deadly. They can wield
every weapon and armor in the game, and many of them use
combat-enhancing drugs, making the battle even more difficult.
Make sure you have a big load of
Stimpacks on you, even if it is just in case.
HP: Average

Ganger / Highwayman / Robber.
Common humans with a common attitude, "Take theirs, before they take mine", be it a tin of food, to the beat from your heart. They come in a variety of flavors, wearing anything you can imagine and wield a
large variety of weapons, these are the childrn of the common man left to fend for themselves. Try to
keep your distance. They are also frequent drug users (Jet and
other combat enhancing drugs).
HP: Average AP: Depends on Armor

Ghouls. The Rotten. The Sub-Human. The Living Dead. There are many
terms used when describing one of the greatest horrors you'll find, a foul consequence of
the mighty wars that devastated the world and left so many millions starving and diseased. In time,
those descendants of humanity that turned to cannibalism to solve these problems, and became a separate
race entierly, degenerating over time into babbling, insane beasts closer to zombies than men.
Luckily for the surviving communities and societies of the world, ghouls tend to stick to the large
urban areas, the great ruined cities, where they can dwell in secrecy and out of plain sight; during
daylight hours they tend to remain in sewers and other darkened areas, but as night falls they
emerge in great packs to hunt and FEED. In certain cities ghouls are merely a nuisance, while in
others they have driven all other life out and rule the rubble uncontested.
HP: Average

Mobs, Gangs, Clans. People tend to band together, and in a time of need and survival, even the feral desperate lives scraping through existance in the wasteland band together. Religious cults, orginized crime syndicates, or just a band of people that agree to steal from anyone but each other.
HP: Average

Tribal Standard tribesman, like
yourself in the beginning of the game. Armed with simple
weapons like spears and sharpened poles.
HP: Average

Slavers BArtering with the lives and souls of the survivors, this type of group is one to steer clear of.
HP: Average

Yakuza. Eastern warriors, highly
skilled and highly deadly. They wield their Wakizashi Blade
with amazing skill and can do quite some damage with it, even
when you are wearing powered armor. Try to keep your distance
and take out from afar.
HP: Average

Enclave Trooper. The ultimate
enemy. Armed with the nastiest weapons you can find (Gauss
Pistols and Rifles to name a few) and donned in Advanced Power
Armor. Take them out as fast as you can and try to keep your
hp up, as a critical shot from a Gauss Rifle can do an insane
amount of damage.
HP: Above Average Soak: See Power Armor

Robot #1, Floating Eye. Small,
hovering robot. This one is pretty quick and has only a
thrusting attack with it's bottom-mounted prod. Does minor
damage, but can be dangerous in large groups.
HP: 20 -- Soak:3

Robot #2 - RoboBrain. Track
mounted robot. This robot wields weapons like shotguns, sniper
rifles and assault rifles. Can be pretty nasty when it gets a
good shot in, so take them out as quick as you can.
HP: 50 -- Soak:4

Robot #3 - Mr. Handy. One of the
biggest of the mechanical foes you'll encounter. This robot is
pretty tough and can whack you quite hard with it's arms.
Energy attacks seem to do the most damage, as will the trusty
pulse grenades.
HP: 40 -- Soak: 3

Robot #4 - Sentry. Walking base
defense mechanism. Take these things out as fast as you can,
because they are armed with rocket launchers and miniguns (the
MK. II's can fire 3 rockets in one turn).
HP: 80 -- Soak: 8

Turret #1. Fixed base defense
mechanism. They are quite resilient to damage and can pack
quite a wallop. Use a weapon with as long a range as you got,
preferably energy weapons. Try to target the CPU. This one is
armed with twin energy weapons.
HP: 60 -- Soak: 4
Rare but possible

Spore Plant. Basically a giant
Venus Trap that shoots sharp thorns at you or tries to bite
you. Stay out of range and shoot from afar.
HP: 7

Alien. One of the strangest
enemies, and also one of the tougher. They have high hp and
high toughness, and are capable of doing a lot of damage when
they can get to you. Take them out with targeted shots in the
"eyes / air intake" for maximum damage potential.
Don't let them corner you, or you can start writing a farewell
HP: 8-20+ -- Soak: Artifact*

Super Mutants. Mutant on
steroids. Take caution when you spot one, they are pretty
dangerous and usually travel in combat squads of about 6
Mutants. They have high HP and wield weapons ranging from
Spiked Knuckles to Gatling Lasers. Also known to wield Flamers
and Rocket Launchers. They come in different classes as well.
Advice is to keep some distance and take out from afar.
HP: 9-16

Centaur. An old experiment from
the Master, this time a huge bloated body with two heads, and
six humanoid legs with animal feet attached to it, dragging
it's exposed entrails over the ground. It is very tough, and
attacks with a sometimes vicious bite. It's not very fast
though, so keep your distance and attack from afar. It can
poison and/or radiate you, and this bugger's poison is
downright lethal, especially when you get multiple doses.
HP: 20

Deathclaw. No one knows where
these monsters came from, most likely a very bad but real
dream. Some say that the pre-War radiation caused some animal
to mutate into a Deathclaw. Other sources say they are
engineered by someone or something. Take extreme caution when
encountering one, they are very fast, very tough and very
strong. When encountering multiple Deathclaws at the same
time, try to tackle them one at a time by luring one away from
the rest. You can't outrun them, they are simply too fast. You
can encounter them in very large packs, so try to separate
some from the group or you're toast. And do NOT underestimate
the cute little ones, they are almost as dangerous as the
larger ones.
HP: 10-15 -- Soak: 1 (tough skin)