When things went into the fan, the whole world changed in many ways. Alotta people died, the ones who didn't, they changed.. Some just thru the sheer horror of it all. Shell shocked from the blood they watched spill. Others were diseased. New generations were real unlucky, got mutated. Extra eyeballs, too many fingers, or sometimes so badly disfigured it wasn't even kinda human.. But every so often, i heard stories of those that could do things, magic like. Like Psi powers from the old world comicbooks.. Vastly inhuman things.
Adrenaline Flux
Difficulty: 10-((Vit+WP)/2)
Initiatial Cost: 1 wp / +1 to Attribute
Maintenance Cost: 1 wp / rd
Preparation Time: -1 initiative / wp spent to enact
Area of Effect: personal
By controlling the production and release of adrenaline in his system, the psionicist can give himself temporary physical boosts on demand. When he increases his adrenaline, the character gains 1 point per WP spent, which he can add directly to his Strength, Dexterity or Vitality scores however he chooses. He enjoys all the normal bonuses for high physical attributes while this power is in effect.
To enact the adrenal flow, the weilder must roll over the difficulty number (which is determined by his health (10-((vit+WP)/2)) with his Adrenal Flux skill, adding all appropriate modifiers**.. If he Fails the Adrenaline will dissapate & the wp spent is lost. On a roll of 1, he overtaxes his system, giving him the "down" without the boost.
If he succeeds, the weilder starts to breath heavily and his heart rate increases as he releases copious amounts of adrenaline into his bloodstream. For each WP spent he must take a -1 penalty to his iniative to enact the power. (ie. If Ren is to blow 4 wp to increase his strength 4 points at once, then he'll take a -4 to his iniative in that round before it has an effect. If he just wanted to increase his agilty by one point for 4 rounds, he would only have a -1, because it only will cost one WP to enact it, but additional WP to maintain.)
Once the attribute is boosted and the initial WP is spent, the user can keep the heightened state for the cost of 1 WP per Round. (ie. If Ren is to increase his strength 4 points at once, it will cost 4 WP intitially. Ren can then pay 1 WP per ROund to keep this +4 Strength increase.)
After the Adrenal Flux is done the weilder suffers a "down" that is equal to the "up". For every point the user boosted their Strength or Agility they lose the same amount from the same attribute. Every hour, one point is recovered. (ie. Ren blows 4 wp to increase his agility by +1, and his Strength by +3. After the effects wear off his Agility is -1 its normal score, and his Strength is -3, each hour he gets one back, untill he is back to his normal status.)
**Advancing this perk (like advancing any other perk)is cumulative. Spending additional slots to upgrade the ease of deployment, hence for evey 5 slots poured into the perk you gain an additional bonus of one point in your favor when trying to enact the power.
Electro Transferal Discharge
Cost: 1 wp/ 2 WPdmg/ round
Difficulty: Depending on amount of electric resources.
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 1rd/wp*
Maintanence: 0 (1wp/round if continuos discharge)
Electric Transferal Discharge enables the user to tap into available electric sources around him to store and channel with his body.
To activate, one must make a WP check vs the Target number (which is determined by the amount of electricity sources near him). If he Fails the energy will dissapate & the wp spent is lost.
(if Botched (roll of 1) the Discharge intended for the victim is inflicted on himself.(2WP)*zzt!*)
If he succeeds, he is able to hold an electrical charge in his body. He must focus for one round per WP he spends to charge up. The charge may only be held for as many rounds equal to the Discharge skill Roll. (ie. Roll a 6 and succeed you can make a charge & hold it for 6 rounds.) This Charge can then be discharged apon a victim. This Discharge of Electrons will do 2 WP damage per WP spent, which can be discharged in two ways:
Continuous, dealing 2WP damage per round the Psionic keeps contact. The Psionic may discharge for as many rounds as his WP permits (2hlth per round @1wp per round).. Just watch for WP loss.. we all know what happens.
In a large burst, *by allowing the charge to build in his hands, the Psionisist can store the charge and release it in a single burst.. (ie. Ren builds the charge for 3 rds, costing 3 wp.. then releases it on an enemy dealing 6 WP DMG...)
The Psi must be touching the victim. Though if the victim is not willing (or trying to touch the Psionicist) the Psi must make a successful hand to hand attack. If the attack misses his charge will dissapate.
**Advancing this perk (like advancing any other perk)is cumulative. Spending additional slots to upgrade the discharges ease of deployment, hence for evey 500xp poured into the perk you gain an additional bonus of one point in your favor when trying to enact the power.
Difficulty: WP of Victim (Failure = Lost WP w/o info)
Initiatial Cost: 1 wp (1wp / round to delve deeper)
Preparation Time: -1 initiative / wp spent to enact
Area of Effect: 5 yds / WP spent
The Psy employing ESP is able to probe the surface thoughts of one creature per round, getting simple instinctual thoughts from lower order creatures. Probes can continue on the same creature from round to round or can move on to other creatures. The caster can use the spell to help determine if a creature lurks behind a door, for example, but the ESP does not always reveal what sort of creature it is.
To enact the ESP, the weilder must roll over the difficulty number (which is determined by the victims Current WP.. If she Fails the ESP will dissapate & the wp spent is lost. On a roll of 1, she overtaxes her system, giving her the "down" without the boost.
If she succeeds, the Psy's eyes cloud over and is able to detect the surface thoughts of any creatures in range--except for those of undead and creatures without minds (as we know them). ESP can be blocked by 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any metal, or a thin sheet of Aluminum Foil.
After the ESP is done the Psy suffers an Intellectual "down" that is equal to the WP spent to enact it. For every WP point the Psy expended they lose the same amount from their Intellegence. Every hour, one point is recovered. (ie. Ren blows 4 wp to dig into the mind of a bartender. After which he feels woozy, tired and muddled intellectually, Though, each hour he gets one back, until he is back to his normal status.)
**Advancing this perk (like advancing any other perk)is cumulative. Spending additional slots to upgrade the ease of deployment, hence for evey 500xp poured into the perk you gain an additional bonus of one point in your favor when trying to enact the power.