Rules for Combat

The combat round lasts about 3 seconds within the game. In reality it's broken down to better understand the chaos. The combat round goes like such;
  1. Declaration of actions
  2. Initiative
  3. Dice rolls
  4. Damage determination
  5. Resolution


At the beginning of the round all players involved state what the characters do in the proceeding combat round. These help the GM flesh out the combat & determine if there are any bonuses to initiative. (Ren lunges forward screaming a battle cry whilst trying to skewer the K'croach with his sharpened poolstick..YEE-AAHH!!) Examples of Actions:


In any confrontation, you need to first Understand the situation: (Initiative). If there is no obvious instigator of the attack, initiative is rolled. Each side of the confrontation rolls a D10 (adding any bonuses from Intellegence, etc) whoever is highest gains first attack. The GM may modify the roll one way or another depending upon the circumstance.

Ex. If Ren has been wandering through the thicket, hacking away at the shrubs snagging at his pants... when he stumbles into a K'croach nest. The K'croach may gain a +2 to initiative due to Ren being oblivious to the impeeding danger. The GM rolls a 4 for the K'croach (+2)equaling 6... Ren on the other hand rolls an 8! This round is Ren's attack.

Possible Initiative Adjustments:


Its one thing trying to hit a ball with a bat so hard it takes out a neighbors window.. but trying to wound a another living creature that does not want to be hit, requires a certain amount of speed and timing, and reflexes to do so. So for simplicity of play, Agility is the attribute that we use for determining if we can land a hit (attack), or not allow it to be to be made (dodging). This goes for anything from being shot at to someone trying to give you a wet willy. Once there is a successful hit, that is where the strength as an attribute really comes into play (Damage).

Note: Only one Defense Roll is required per round, If defending against multiple attacks within a single round, the first defense roll is used to oppose all attacks.

Once the Attacker is determined, combat begins. The Attacker rolls to hit, the Defender rolls to dodge, adding all modfications. (Attack roll)- (Defense roll) = Margin of Success. If the MoS is above 0 the attacker succeeds. Otherwise the attack failed.

Possible Adjustments to the Attack/Dodge Roll:

Attack roll-Defense roll=Margin of Success Results *A tie results in a reroll of initiative
MoS -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dmg -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Ddg Ddg Ddg Ddg Ddg *Reroll* Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

If the MoS was over 5 extra damage may acrue due to the extremity of the success.(*refer to table*) Though a MoS under -5 could mean that the defender not only succeeded in dodging but inflicted a counter-attack upon the attacker (this is represented as the negitive damage on the table.) Ex. Ren rolls a 4 (+1 cause he has Spear +1 the GM rolls a 7 (+1 due to the high agility of the mutant bug)..SO (4+1)-(7+1)=(5)-(8)=-3..Ren MISSED! now if the MoS been for Ex. -7 That bug woulda tore a gash into our little hero in a counter attack for 2 points of damage.

Note: EACH Mos bonus point may be used for

Counter Attack Damage Only occurs in a Melee, Hand to Hand or Vehicle based combat.. the amount of damage inflicted is the MoS bonus Dmg ONLY. (No weapon base Dmg, or Str. bonus is added. Though armor can still reduce the damage.)

MoS bonuses from a counterattack can be applied to Initiative or Attack in missile combat.

Missile Combat

Missile Weapons work a bit different then normal melee weapons. Not only do they hurt but they also can do so from a distance. The range shows how far you can throw or make the shot go, they are divided into basic catagories: Point blank, Small, Medium, & Long range. These ranges affect how easy it is to hit your target.

Range:Within Small range the shot is close enough it suffers no penalty. Farther out is Medium range, at this distance the attack roll suffers a -1 penalty. All attacks past medium range (long range) suffer a -2 penalty untill the shot is out of range. If a gun has a range of 20 yards, 40 yard medium range, & 60 yard long range, and a shot is taken at a target at 30 yards away it suffers a -1, because its within medium range.

Thrown Weapons range from the power of the arm, on an average person, the Small range is 10 Yards, the Medium range is 20 Yards, & the Long range is 30 Yards. One factor that may change this is the man that has Over or Under average Strength. For Each modifying point from Strength Add/Remove 5 Yards from the Small, Medium & Long Range.

Ex. Bruto the Fiend, has mighty muscles, giving him a 9 Strength, this gives him a +2, making a +10yards to all Ranges. So his Short range is 20 yards, 30 for Medium, & 40 for Long with a basic thrown weapon.

Burst fire weapons operate like missile weapons except that due to the high rate of fire the damage affects an area instead of just one spot. Burst fire machine guns affect a cone starting from the barrel. This cone shape differs from weapon to weapon. At point blank range the weapon will inflict full damage, within the small range the damage inflicted is only 75% of the base damage. Medium range attacks inflict 50% of base damage. And Long range attacks inflict 25% of base damage. Anyone caught in this areas of affect are subject to being hit, therefore considered a defender, and must roll to dodge. These attacks are still subject to attack penalties due to range.

Grenade Weapons are thrown much like a rock, so the ranges are treated like a basic thrown weapon. The difference is that once the bomb has been thrown to the desired locale (or not so desirable depending on your roll) it has an radial area of affect. Any character within this area must roll dodge against the attackers throw. This radius of affect (like the burst fire cone) will differ between explosives. Ex. A Frag Grenade will do 5dmg up to 3 yards away from its center, between 3-6 yards away it does 3 dmg, & 6-9 yards it does 2 hlth. (From the concussive blast)

Burst & Grenade damage is subject to MoS bonuses (and penalties) and can still be blocked by armor. (If the MoS yeilds damge inflicted on the Attacker, it is solely do to the area of affect being a tad to close for comfort.)

Taking cover is one of the best methods for staying out of harms way during missile combat. Their are two basic types of things to hide behind: Hard cover, and Soft cover. Soft cover is something that makes you hard to see, but offers little protection, (ex. smoke, bushes, curtains.) Hard cover not only hides your person, but also acts as a make shift sheild, (ex. Stone walls, tables, embankments.) Cover allows the defender a bonus to defend against attack. (Laying down could be considered 75% soft cover..) The following table explains the modifier to the Defense Roll:
% Cover:Soft CoverHard Cover
25%+1+1, +1Soak
50%+2+2, +2Soak
75%+3+3, +3Soak
95%+4+4, +4Soak


Typically a person's movement rate is based on a 1-10 scale, like everything in Roadkill. To calculate a characters movement rate; Add any Strength and Agility modifiers to a Base Movement of 5.

(Ren has a strength of 8 and a agility of 9, so his strength modifier of +1, added to his Agility modifier +2, added to a base movement of 5, equals 8.)

In one combat round you can move one meter for free and still have your normal attacks. OR, if you forego all attacks you may move your movement rate in meters without letting your gaurd down.

If you wish to move faster (no attack rolls allowed) you can Run (2x current Movement Rate with -2 to all Dodge rolls) or Sprint (3x MR but -3 to dodge), you can run up to your Vitality in Minutes, but you can only Sprint for the amount of Rounds equalling your Vitality.

Damage Infliction

All weapons have a Base Damage Rating from 1 to 10. A fist would do 1 Dmg, though a Shotgun could do 4 Dmg. Yet, a cannon might reach 10 Dmg. If a hit occurs; take the base damage of the weapon and add all appropriate modifiers(ex. Str. bonus, MoS bonus, etc.) then subtract the Soak from any armor the victim was wearing to find the Dmg inflicted. Dmg-Soak=Dmg inflicted.

Armor can be used to cease damage infliction. (Where Applicable: If Ren is fighting off an ankle-biting Muskrat, yet is wearing a set of upper-body football armor, it's a little hard to use the armor to block the teeth of the Muskrat.) Leather & Soft Armors will protect against Slashing Weapons, but are useless against Bludgeoning weapons. Metal, wood or other hard armors can take the beating from Slashing, or Bludgeoning weapons but may be easy to peirce. The bare flesh has no Soak, a leather jacket could Soak 2 damage & a Bulletproof vest may Soak 4. Hiding behind a car door could Soak 2-5. Soak is the amount of damage the armor can "Soak up" in one hit. If the damage inflicted exceeds what the armor can "Soak" the rest of the damage goes to the Vitality of the owner. Ex. That nasty muty-bug snaps at Ren succeeding in biting his arm. The total damage is 4 (enough to chomp into the bone!) luckily Ren made arm gauntlets outta padded tin he found(3Soak) which absorb 3 points of the Dmg, Ren only feels 1Dmg.

Armor also has its own Hit Points, this is called the armor's Hits. As armor takes damage it slowly gets beaten & battered to a point of uselessness. Each time a hit occurs that is absorbed by the armor, it loses as many Hits as was blocked. (No damage is taken from any excess that went to the bearer.) Ren Takes a hit from a Bat (3dmg) and he is wearing padding tin-plate armor 3 Soak, so luckily the Armor takes all the damage. But that 3dmg is taken off the armor Hits. It's rated at 30hits. But now it's down to 27hits.(30hits- 3dmg)

Armor can slowly be mended back together, 2 Hits can be restored to the armor for every hour the character spends mending it [JimmyRig or the appropriate Craft skill]. If the damage exceeds half or more of the armors effiency (Hits) then mending must be done by a professional* to ensure protection. *(Someone with the skill for workign the material it was made of, metal, leather, etc.)

Fire & Acid Damage both are very easy to control in a game setting. The main thing to remember is that both fire & acid are PROLONGED damage infliction. Meaning that both cause pain for rounds after the initial attack. (Your on fire...) Usually each Fire or Acid weapon will show it's Area of Effect, and Damage per Round, & the number of Rounds it lasts. If a character consciously ignores the fire or acid, the damage may last a considerable time longer. Ex. Ren happens to fall victim to a molotov cocktail going off within range. He Dodged but not well enough. The Molotov does 3dmg per round, for 3rounds (under the assumption he actively tries to put it out) within it's 1 yard area of effect.

Will Power Loss

There are some types of damage inflicted that may not harm the body, but rather the mind in the form of Will Power drain. Consider a stungun: Electrical damage, or a flashbang grenade. In the event that something of this nature brings a character to 0 WP, they fall unconcious due to stress overload, any remaining "damage" is then taken from Vitality.

Will Power is another way of explaining morale, if shit hits the fan, your gonna feel it inside as well as out. It is due to this fact that Will Power is affected during combat when you cope with heavy inflictions.

Ren takes a hit more than 5dmg to his Hit Points (yet, stays conscious.... the DM might find it smart to take some of his Will Power too from the general shock of the damage. The decision to go on should be played out by the character, but sometimes it is good to allow the GM to have a way to show the character just how terrifying a situation might be...

The GM may find situations like this appropriate:

Ex. Ren battles on with the ferocious K'croach, hit after hit he doesnt seem to be hurting it at all...turning to run, Ren starts to scream bloody murder.." AAAAaaaggghHHHH!!"


Assuming neither character died, ran or combat was interrupted...than all the data is translated by the GM to turn all those numbers into a fun filled story the whole family will love.

At this point the combat round begins again, until someone loses (or runs) Two man enter, One man leaves... Though now it's the defenders turn to attack. Initiative is skipped, and is only rerolled if the attacker ties with the defender. (Or if the fight is halted in any way.)



Healing the body is a slow process, as in real life. Under the assumption that the character gets at least 1lbs of food, 1 liter of water and 6 hours of sleep (without get woken up or disturbed consistantly through the night), within 24 hours. He will gain 1 point back to replenish either lost Vitality or Will power. If he wanted to get complete bedrest for the day (doubling their needs: 2lbs of food 2liters of h2o and 12 hours sleep) they would recieve double the points for the day (2).

If a successful Medicine Skill check is made, depending on what you are attempting to heal :(Target# = the amount of HP or WP lost +5 ) 1 additional point is replenished to the Attribute you are treating. This signifies cleaning, stitching, generally tending to wounds, OR calming someone and relaxing their overstressed nerves. It is only possible to perform Medicine on someone once a day.

With complete bedrest Ren would only get 2 points back for the day, but his medic friend Jake successfully performs Medicine giving him a total of 3 Points for the day to replenish WP, Vitality or both.

Some Medicinal Items as well can also accellerate the healing process.


Vitality is your ability to stave off death, plain and simple. No matter how many Vitality points you lose, your character isn't hindered in any way until your Vitality drops to 0 or lower. When you reach ZERO hit points, you fall unconscious and begin dying. Every minute you have a 10% chance of stabilizing, if you fail this roll, you fall another point into the negatives. When you reach a negative equal to your max vitality, you are DEAD. Finito. You Bought the farm. If you stabilize however, you are not dying and can begin healing at the natural rate.

A character can be stabilized by successfully perporming Medicine on them. If any sort of healing, first aid, medicinal items, or otherwise, cures the dying character of even 1 point of damage, he stops losing hit points and becomes stable. If it brings them above 0 they become fully functional again, just as if they'd never been reduced to 0 or fewer hit points.

For example, Buck McHugepecs has 5 vitality points and is shot in the chest at point-blank range with a shotgun for 5 hit points... He's gonna take a little nap now. Buck must roll a 10 to avoid falling closer to death and... He rolls a 2 and falls to negative one hit point. One minute (of game time) later, he rolls again and gets a 5, so now he's at negative TWO hit points. If this continues to where he hits negative five, he's gone forever. But let's say the next minute he rolls a 10, woo hoo! He's stable and no longer dying... But he's not out of the woods yet, he's still at negative two hit points to recover from, with either Medicine Skill or a stimpak or some bedrest and food. Updated 12.27.19 930pm