Drugs can affect the body in good ways and bad. Most have an up, then a down, then they wear off. One thing to consider is the chance of addiction may be a factor. Once a drug wears off (and the character feels back to normal), the GM will roll to see if the character is addicted. If so, the character will start to suffer withdrawls.
Antidote. A bottle containing a
home-brewed antidote for poison. A milky solution with
floating pieces of Radscorpion flesh. It weighs 1 pound.
Antidote for Type B poison.

Beer. Some type of home brewed
-2 int for 6 hours

Booze. An ancient liquor, from
the pre-War era. It weighs 1 pound.
After consumption: -4 int, +2 WP
After 6 hours: +4 int, -2wp (wears off)

Buffout. Highly advanced
steroids. While in effect, they increase strength and
reflexes. Very addictive.
After Consumption: +2 Str, +3 WP
After 4 hours: -4 Str, -4 WP
After 18 hours: +2 Str, +1 WP (wears off)
25% Addiction: -3 Agi, -2 Str, -2 WP for 2 days.

CherryBomb. This intraveinous Hallucinogenic affect all the senses. Some tribes beleive that it grants you temporary precognitive, clairvoyant capabilties. This could be due to the drugs nature to distort the user's perception of time and space, intense sensory experiences, and mixing of the senses. Users have been known to behave irrationallybelieving they are somewhere else. Sometimes they have Bad Trips, when the experience turns frightening and traumatic. The question is, is it just a hallucination?
Within 30 minutes: User feels a sense of wellbeing (Any lost WP regained)
After 2 hours: User experiences break from reality. May experience a Bad trip. (WP check every hour, Failure = Bad Trip)
After 10 hours: User returns to normal reality (wears off) -1 hlth, -1 WP(Fatigue)

Jet. Jet is a powerful
metamphetamine that stimulates the central nervous system. The
initial euphoric rush rarely lasts more than a few minutes,
but during that time, the user is filled with a rush of energy
& strength.
Immediate: +2 Agi, +1 Str
After 20 Minutes: -2 Agi, -3 Str
After 1 hour: +1 Str (wears off)
50% Addiction: -2 Agi, -2 Str, -3 Int for 2 Days.

Mentats. A pillbox of
mind-altering chems. Increased memory related functions, and
speeds other mental processes. Highly addictive.
After Consumption: +3 Int
After 4 hours: -6 Int
After 10 hours: +3 Int (wears off)
40% Addiction: -2 Int, -2 Vit, -3 WP for 4 days. (Shakes/Fever)

Nuka-Cola. A bottle of Nuka-Cola,
the flavored softdrink of the post-nuclear world. Warm and
After consumption: +1 WP
After 6 hours: -1wp (wears off)

Painkillers. I-B profin, Aspirin, Tylonel. All considered painkillers.
15 minutes After consumption: +1 Vit

Psycho. An unique delivery system
filled with strange and unknown chemicals of probably military
origin. It is supposed to increase the combat potential of a
Immediate: +5 Vit, -3 Int, +3 WP
After 4 hours: -3 Vit, +1 Int, -3 WP
After 8 hours: -2 Vit, +2 Int (wears off)
20% Addiction: -3 Agi, -2 Int, -2 Vit for 1 week.

Rad-X. Anti-radiation chems to be
taken before exposure. No known side effects.
Protects against 2 Rad
Levels. (Subtract 2 Levels from any exposure) for 24 hours.
After 1 hour: -1 Str for 4 hours.

RadAway. A chemical solution that
bonds with radiation particles and passes them through your
system. Takes time to work.
Immediate: -1 Rad Level
After 2 hours: -2 Rad Levels
After 4 hours: -2 Rad Levels
10% Addiction per Dose: -2 WP, -2 Str, -1 Vit for 6 Days.

Scorpion Poison. Poison from the tail
of a Radscorpion.
Type B poison.

Stimpack. A healing chem. When
injected, the chem provides immediate healing of minor wounds.
+2 vit, (will not exceed max).-1 Int for 4 hours

Super Stimpack. An advanced
healing chem. Very powerful. Superstims will cause a small
amount of damage after a period of time due to the powerful
nature of the chemicals used. It weighs 1 pound.
Immediate: +10 vit (will exceed max)
After 10 Minutes: -1 vit
After 20 Minutes: -1 vit (Any excess remaining is lost.)

Volkano. Manufactured in the streets of the survivors, this homemade drug serves as a detoxant, antidote and radiation control. One dose will bond with all the bad things inside, and flush out the body. The bad part is that it creates violent nausea, causing the victim to spew everything he ever had in him onto the ground. Followed by a very ethereal high.
Immediate: -2 Rad Levels, Antodizes Type A, B and Paralytic Poison, -2 WP, -2 Str.
After 3 hours: -2 Rad Levels, +4 WP
After 6 hours: -2 WP, +2 Str. (wears off)
10% Addiction per Dose: -2 WP, -2 Str, -1 Vit for 24 hours.

Stink-Weed. Wacky Tabacci. Very powerful. The Super-Nitrous infest rendered many new plants that contain agents that produce high-inducing effects when smoked.
Immediate: +4 WP (will exceed max), -2 Int.
After 4 hours: Wears off. +2 Int (Any excess WP remaining is lost.)

Two parts of Xander Root., the rare root that gives healing properties to the powder of healing,
Combined with:

One part Broc Flower which provides the base for the healing powder.
+3 vit, (will not exceed max). -2 Int for 12 hours