These are ranged weapons, but generally pretty short-ranged as well. Most of which you throw & have one imediate area of effect. These require only a dodge roll by the person being aimed at. On the other Hand the Grenade Like weapons have a radial area of effect, meaning they require a dodge by anybody within it's blast range.
The Range is used to show how far they are thrown. (This is using the Broadbased Throwing skill) Anyone throwing within the Small range suffers no penalty, within Medium Range the roll suffers a -1. & within Long Range the roll suffers -2. The roll is subject to Strength modifiers because they are thrown. Add (or Subtract) 5 yards for each modifying point. Note: the roll may be subject to a -3 penalty if the character does not have Broadbased Throwing
Damage Within Radial Area of Effect dictates how much damage is taken depending on how close the subject was to the blast. Within 3yrds, 5dmg is taken....
Missile Weapons

The Bow has been around for centuries, ancient tribes used them for hunting, & war.
You could too! An African hardwood riser supports graceful Red Elm laminate
limbs and a comfortable leather-wrapped grip. Whether you're an entry level
traditional longbow shooter or an experienced, longbow shooter you'll appreciate
this stick. 50lbs draw.
Min ST: 4. It
weighs less than 3 pounds.
Damage: 3dmg, Range: Sm:80yrds, Med:160yrds, Lng:240yrds, Ammo: Arrows

Crossbow.The classically designed Crossbow Kit is
loaded with extras such as a quiver containing 4-16" arrows, and an adjustable
rear sight, everything you need for immediate shooting enjoyment. The newly
designed features an ambidextrous Monte Carlo stock that looks as
good as it feels and, with a stout 150-lb. draw weight, propels 16" arrows up
to an incredible 235 fps. Min ST:3. It
weighs 4 pounds.
Damage: 4dmg, Range: Sm:75yrds, Med:100yrds, Lng:175yrds, Rate of Fire: 1shot/2 rds., Ammo: Crossbow Bolts.

The Sling. A sling is a device that is used to throw
a rock or other projectile with considerable mechanical advantage. It has been
around for thousands of years! It can hurl a half pound rock 100 yards with
relative ease. Some slings were designed to throw rocks of twice that weight even
further. A good slinger can hit something the size of a human head at 40 yards,
even 60 yards without too much difficulty.
The most famous example of a
sling in use is the famous Biblical story of David and Goliath. Min ST:3. It
weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 1 dmg, Range: Sm:30yrds, Med:60yrds, Lng:120yrds, Ammo: rocks, ball bearings, marbles..

Blowgun. Extremely accurate and NOT A TOY. Over
200 feet per second velocity. Safety mouthpiece to prevent from inhaling the
dart. Complete with 12 darts and two quivers for carrying darts. Construction
of seamless aircraft aluminum. Range over 150 feet accurately hit a 6"
target at 50 feet. Shoot and hit a pack of cigaretts at 30 feet. Manufactured
in USA of best materials. Great for targets and family fun. Min ST:1. It
weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 1 dmg/3 darts (1/3dmg Ea.), Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:25yrds, Lng:50yrds, Ammo: Blowgun darts.

SlingShot. A Marksman Slingshot
Heavy grade wire frame. long lasting latex sling. Leather pouch.
Collapsible brace reduces wrist strain, steadies slingshot to
improve accuracy. Min ST:3. It
weighs 1 pound.
Note: Requires Archery skill.
Damage:2 dmg, Range: Sm:30yrds, Med:60yrds, Lng:120yrds, Ammo: rocks, ball bearings, marbles..
Thrown Weapons

Grenade (Frag). A generic
fragmentation grenade. Contains a small amount of high
explosives, the container itself forming most of the damaging
fragments. Explodes on contact. Min ST:3. It weighs 1 pound.
Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 5dmg @ 3yrds, 3dmg @ 6yrds, 2hlth @ 9yrds

Grenade (Acid). Designed to deliver
a quantity of acid to a target. Min ST:3. It
weighs 1 pound.
Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 5dmg/rd for 3rds @ 3yrds, 5dmg/rd for 2rds @ 6yrds, 5dmg @ 9yrds

Grenade (Flash). Causes stun
in area of effect. Min ST:3. It weighs 1
Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 2 dmg + 3wp @ 3rds, 1dmg + 2wp @ 6yrds, 1wp @ 9yrds

Grenade (Plasma). A magnetically
sealed plasma delivery unit, with detonating explosives.
Creates a blast of superheated plasma on contact. Min ST:3. It
weighs 1 pound.
Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 13dmg @ 8yrds, 7dmg @ 16yrds, 3dmg @ 25yrds

Grenade (Incendiary). Antipersonnel
grenade loaded with napalm. Min ST: 3. It
weighs 1 pound.
Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 3dmg/rd for 3rds @ 3yrds, 3dmg/rd for 2rds @ 6yrds, 3dmg @ 9yrds

Grenade (EMP). An
Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade, generating an intense magnetic
field on detonation. Doesn't affect biological creatures. Min
ST:4. It weighs 1 pound.
Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 60dmg @ 3yrds, 40dmg @ 6yrds, 20dmg @ 9yrds

Molotov Cocktail. A home-made
flammable grenade. Min ST:3. It weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 3dmg/rd, for 3rds., Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds
Area of Effect: 1 Yard Radius

Dynamite. A high explosive,
consisting of nitroglycerin mixed with the absorbent substance
kiselguhr. Includes a timer. It weighs 5 pounds.
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 10dmg @ 4yrds, 6dmg @ 8yrds, 2dmg @ 12 yrds

Plastic Explosives. A chunk of
Cordex, a military brand of plastic explosives. Highly stable,
very destructive. It weighs 4 pounds.
Damage within Radial Area of Effect: 8dmg @ 2yrds, 5dmg @ 4yrds, 3hlth @ 6yrds

Plant Spike. An organic
seed-spike that the carnivorous plants spit at potential food
or seed carriers.
Damage: 1dmg, Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds

Rock. It's a rock. The
Granite-Inc. model is an upgraded version. Min ST:1. It weighs
1 pound.
Damage: 1 dmg, Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds

Shuriken (Throwing Stars). Shine metal Stars
with very sharp edges designed for throwing. Min ST: 1.
Damage: 1dmg, Range: Sm:5yrds, Med:10yrds, Lng:15yrds

Throwing Knife. A knife, balanced
specifically for throwing. Made of titanium, and laser
sharpened. Min ST:3. It weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 2 dmg, Range: Sm:10yrds, Med:20yrds, Lng:30yrds

Spear. A razor tipped polearm.
The shaft is wooden, and the tip is worked steel. Min ST:4. It
weighs 4 pounds.
Damage: 3 dmg, Range: Melee: 2, Thrown: Sm: 10yrds, Med: 20yrds, Lng: 30yrds

Sharpened Pole. A wood pole
sharpened at one end. Min ST:4. It weighs 3 pounds.
Damage: 2 dmg, Range: Melee: 2, Thrown: Sm: 5yrds, Med: 10yrds, Lng: 15yrds