Unarmed Weapons
A bit of a strange term to use, Unarmed Weapons. But that is the skill you use, so there you go. With just one of these weapons you are able to do some pretty substantial damage, and that's the Power Fist, so when you go unarmed, get one.

Bare Hands. Sometimes you
just gotta do whats neccesary, even when you might not be holding the
proper tools. They do ZERO base damage, this is the basis of how all weapons are rated.
If your stronger, or have exceptional skill, that BASE damage can be added up, that punch can get more painful.
These have no minimum strength requirement.. obviously.
Damage: 0 dmg, Range: 1

Brass Knuckles. A hardened
knuckle grip that is actually made out of steel. They protect
your hand, and do more damage, in unarmed combat. It
weighs 1 pound.
Damage:1 dmg, Range: 1

Spiked Knuckles. An improved
version of the classic Brass Knuckles. The Spiked Knuckles do
more damage, tearing into the flesh of your opponent in
unarmed combat. It weighs 1 pound.
Damage:2 dmg, Range: 1

Tiger Claw. Gloves with short
claws built into the palms. Requires a Hand-to-Hand skill. Min ST: 1. It weighs 1
Damage: 2 dmg, Range: 1

Power Fist. A "Big Frigger"
Power Fist from BeatCo. Considered by many to be the ultimate
weapon to use in unarmed combat. Creates 100,000 volts discharged apon impact.
Powered by one 9volt energy cell. It weighs 7 pounds.
Damage:1dmg +2wp, Range: 1, Ammo: 20/Energy Cell