The "base" damage the melee weapons do is based on a character with an Average STR attribute (4->7, no bonuses to Dmg) When your character is stronger the damage will also change (+1 max damage for every point of strength above 7). Some Weapons Have a minimum attribute requirement, reflecting the complication of use, or sheer mass of the item. Note: If any Item is thrown, they do the same Damage, & have the Ranges of a rock. *Subject to -3 penalty if character does not have Broadbased Throwing.****There are also some enemies that are very strong and dangerous in close combat, much stronger than you likely will ever become.

Wrench. A typical wrench used by
mechanics. Min ST:3. It weighs 4 pounds.
Damage: 1 dmg, Range: 1

Iron Pipe. A short length of
lead pipe. Useful for plumbing or pummeling. Min ST:3. It
weighs 5 pounds.
Damage: 2 dmg, Range: 1

Claw Hammer. A large hammer with
big handle. Very popular with the muscular crowd. Min ST:
3. It weighs 2 pounds.
Damage: 2 dmg, Range: 1

Cattle Prod. A Farmer's Best
Friend model cattle prod from Wattz Electronics. Uses small
energy cells for power. Min ST:3. It weighs 2 pounds.
Damage: 1 WP, Range: 1, Ammo: 20 x Small Energy Cells

Club. A military or police baton.
Heavy wood. Min ST:3. It weighs 3 pounds.
Damage: 1 dmg, Range: 1

Crowbar. A very solid and heavy
piece of metal, specially designed to exert leverage. Or pound
heads. Min ST:4. It weighs 5 pounds.
Damage: 3 dmg, Range: 1

Louisville Slugger. This
all-American, hardwood, baseball bat will knock everything
right out of the park. Min ST:4. It weighs 4 pounds.
Damage: 3 dmg, Range: 1

Sledgehammer. A large hammer with
big handle. Very popular with the muscular crowd. Min ST:6. It
weighs 12 pounds.
Damage: 4 dmg, Range: 2

Stun Gun. A Big city must from Wattz Electronics. This
model has been upgraded to increase the electrical discharge.
Min ST:4. It weighs 6 pounds.
Damage: 3 WP, Range: 1, Ammo: 20 x Small Energy Cells

Super Sledge. A Super
Sledgehammer, manufactured by the Brotherhood Of Steel, using
the finest weapons technology available. Includes a kinetic
energy storage device, to increase knockback. Min ST:5. It
weighs 12 pounds.
Damage: 6 dmg, Range: 1

Nunchuckas. A Par of heavy wood shafts held together by a short length of
cord, or chain. Useful for tenderizing rice, or people. Quick & easy to conceal. Min Agi:5. It
weighs 2 pounds.
Damage: 5 dmg, Range: 1

Cleaver. Heavy Butchers Cleaver.
Great for cleaving off cuts of meat (from dead or living
animals). Min ST: 4. It weighs 2 pounds.
Damage: 2 dmg, Range: 1

Broken Bottle. The preferred
weapon for advocates of the drunken brawl. Min ST: 1. It
weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 1 dmg, Range: 1

Knife. A sharp-bladed cutting and
stabbing weapon. Run of the mill, kitchen variety Min ST:2. It weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 1dmg, Range: 1

Combat Knife. A high-quality
combat knife. The Stallona is from SharpWit , Inc. The edge of
this blade is guaranteed sharp for over a decade of use! Min
ST:2. It weighs 2 pounds.
Damage: 2dmg, Range: 1

Switchblade. The blade of this
small knife is held by a spring. When a button on the handle
is pressed, the blade shoots out with a satisfying "Sssssshk"
sound. Min ST:1. It weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 1dmg, Range: 1

Punch Dagger. Spike which fits
onto the back of the hand to increase the penetration of
the punch. Min Str: 1. It weighs 1 pound.
Damage: 2dmg, Range: 1

Machete. Hack your way through
flora and fauna with this handy gardening implement. Min
ST: 4. It weighs 4 pounds.
Damage: 3dmg, Range: 1

Wakizashi Blade. A short finely
crafted knife. The tip seems to be designed to pierce armor.
It weighs 3 pound.
Damage: 3dmg, Range: 1

Ripper. (a.k.a. ChainSaw) A Ripper(tm) vibroblade.
Powered by a small energy cell, the chainblade rips and tears
into it's target. Min ST:4. It weighs 5 pounds.
Damage: 5dmg, Range: 1, Ammo: 30 x Small Energy Cells

Sharpened Pole. A wood pole
sharpened at one end. Min ST:4. It weighs 3 pounds.
Damage: 1dmg, Range: 2

Spear. A razor tipped
polearm. The shaft is wooden, and the tip is worked, sharpened steel.
Min ST:4. It weighs 4 pounds.
Damage: 2dmg, Range: 2